Friday, September 20, 2013

Stop Smoking for Stoptober 213 the Easy Way

Smokers in the UK are encouraged to stop smoking for 28 days in October 2013.  If you can stop for 28 days you are five times more likely to stop for good.

"During the Stoptober 2012 campaign, a staggering £25 million was saved by the 160,000 people from not buying cigarettes.
Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies said: “Half of all smokers die as a result of smoking, this is the single biggest cause of premature death taking more than 100,000 lives in the UK and costing the NHS up to £2.7bn each year.
It is estimated that you add an additional seven days of life for every 28 days you remain smokefree.  
“We want every smoker to consider making a quit attempt this October and join the thousands of people who are feeling the benefits from stopping smoking last year.” (1)
That is the good news but stopping smoking by willpower alone is hard, very hard.  The extremely addictive drug of nicotine does not give up easily as anyone who has tried to go "cold turkey" will tell you.

Nicotine replacement products might help kick the habit but they keep you addicted to nicotine.  I know someone who has been chewing Nicorette chewing gum for 15 years and the gum has been linked to oral cancer.

I encourage you to stop smoking in October but do it the easy way with safe, natural and effective hypnosis.
 “Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little”.  ~(New Scientist, Volume 136 issue 1845 31 Oct 1992, page 6)
The average smoker smokes a packet of 20 cigarettes per day at £7 so spends about £210 every month ...of net income.  Stop smoking with me and donate what you would have spent on smoking to a great charity.  I recommend Brainstrust which helps patients with brain tumours and their carers.

Stop smoking in one Session of Hypnosis with the English Skype Hypnotist .  Call today.  Sessions available in Portsmouth (UK) or worldwide via Skype

Monday, September 9, 2013

E-cigarettes contain chemicals that make some 'as harmful as normal tobacco'

Findings from the National Consumers' Institute said it tested ten different rechargable and disposable models for carcinogenic and toxic properties.

  • Researchers 'detected a significant quantity of carcinogenic molecules in the vapour of these cigarettes which have thus far gone undetected'.
  • Report also criticised certain models for lacking child-proof safety caps because nicotine levels contained could be lethal to children.

Electronic cigarettes contain carcinogenic chemicals that make some as harmful as normal tobacco, a new French study has claimed.

The report comes after government plans announced in May this year to ban electronic cigarettes from public places in France.

Now monthly magazine 60 Millions Consommateurs (60 Million Consumers) has branded the devices as 'far from the harmless gadgets they're sold as by manufacturers'.

The magazine - which reports the findings of the National Consumers' Institute - said it tested ten different rechargable and disposable models for carcenogenic and toxic properties.  Editor Thomas Laurenceau wrote: 'We detected a significant quantity of carcinogenic molecules in the vapour of these cigarettes which have thus far gone undetected.
'In three models out of ten the levels of the carcinogenic compound formaldehyde come close to those of a conventional cigarette.

'The highly toxic molecule acrolein was also detected in the vapours of e-cigarettes, sometimes at levels even higher than in traditional cigarettes.'

The report also criticised certain models for lacking child-proof safety caps because nicotine levels contained in the liquid content of an electronic cigarette could be lethal to children.  Mr Laurenceau added: 'It's not a reason to ban them, but a good reason to control them.'

Toxic levels of various molecules were found in some of the e-cigarettes meaning they could be just as dangerous as traditional cigarettes. Image shows lung cancer cells
Toxic levels of various molecules were found in some of the e-cigarettes meaning they could be just as dangerous as traditional cigarettes. Image shows lung cancer cells
French Health Minister Marisol Touraine announced in May that the ban on smoking in public places would be extended to cover electronic cigarettes, and that they would be subject to the same controls as tobacco.
The move has sparked outrage among sellers and users of the battery-powered devices which contain liquid nicotine that is turned into a vapor when inhaled.

Ms Touraine said: 'The e-cigarette is not an ordinary product. 'We need to apply the same measures as there are for tobacco.  'That means making sure it cannot be smoked in public places, that its sale is restricted to over 18s and that firms are not allowed to advertise the products.'

E-cigarettes are currently legal to use in bars and restaurants and all other public places, where traditional smoking has been banned for five years.

A ban would harm the booming e-cigarette industry in France, where around one million people now use the gadgets, vendors insist.

Darren Moon, the English owner of online store, said: 'If they ban it in public or in the workplace, I'll be closing my store, or moving it somewhere where there aren't restrictions like that.

'Twenty percent of our business is selling disposable e-cigarettes to restaurants, clubs, bars and hotels. So if there's a workplace ban, I'd have to start firing people.'
E-cigarettes were first invented in China in 2003, as many nations began imposing bans on smoking, and are aimed at giving the user a similar sensation to smoking a cigarette.
In March this year, health expert Professor Bertrand Dauzenberg told France's Europe 1 radio that e-cigarettes could have the opposite effect that is designed for.

He added: 'These electronic cigarettes could also lead children to start smoking and sale should be banned to minors.
'However for heavy smokers, I believe these will reduce the health risks, but the best way to quit smoking is the patch or chewing gum.'

Read more: 
Anyone who uses e-cigarettes is still addicted to smoking and is not doing anything about giving up a nasty habit.  Using nicotine patches or gum keeps the person addicted to nicotine and there is a link between nicotine replacement products and oral cancer.  The best way to stop smoking is sheer willpower although cravings might make it difficult to stay determined.  

If you really want to make life easy for yourself, use natural, safe, relaxing hypnosis.  This has been proven to be the most effective way of giving up quickly and reducing those cravings.

I help people stop smoking in one session either at my home office in Portsmouth (UK) or via Skype anywhere in the world.  Find out more at

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why Do You Keep Putting All These Disgusting Chemicals Into Your Mouth?

Cigarettes contain over 4,000 ingredients and here you see some of the real nasties.  I am constantly amazed that production and sale of these revolting chemical sticks is allowed.

I have to ask you - why on earth would you put these in your body?

Is it any wonder that your breathing is constricted, you have a persistent cough, your skin looks dull and you are ageing before your time?  You are a walking chemicals factory.

You know it is time to stop but maybe you have tried to kick this weed but cannot quite manage it.

Then I can help you, the e-a-s-y way with deep, relaxing hypnosis.

 “Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little”.  
  ~(New Scientist, Volume 136 issue 1845 31 Oct 1992, page 6)

My stop smoking in one session technique is very clever as it encompasses various add-ons to support the already powerful hypnosis eg NLP and Time Line Therapy.  

In fact, I honestly cannot remember the last time someone did NOT stop smoking with me.

I am based in Portsmouth, UK but the good news is that I help people worldwide via SKYPE.

You can be the next  non-smoker, enjoying the freedom of a world without slavery to addiction.  

All you have to do is contact me, Antonia Harrison, the English Skype Hypnotist.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cigarette Filters Take Ten Years to Decompose

"By quitting, you are not only purifying yourself, but the environment as well.  It's estimated that trillions of cigarette filters are discarded as waste yearly and take up to ten years to decompose."

Dare To Quit Smoking Mobile App on iPhone


The LIVESTRONG.COM MyQuit Coach application allows you to design a personalized plan to help you quit smoking. Through this intuitive iPhone app, you'll evaluate your current status, set attainable goals and adjust preferences according to your needs. You'll have the option to choose to quit smoking right away or gradually decrease your daily nicotine intake. Personalized inspirational photos, motivational tips and progress charts will keep you on track while achievement badges will reward you for progress. And you're not alone with a built in social support circle and the ability to update your Facebook and Twitter as friends cheer you on.

The LIVESTRONG.COM MyQuit Coach application has been reviewed by smoking cessation specialist Dr. Jonathan Foulds, nicotine addiction specialist Dr. Dorothy Hatsukami, psychologist Dr. Belisa Vranich and cardiologist and internist Dr. Leslie Saxon.

Read more:

Available on iPhone

Antonia Harrison is The Lifestyle Liberator freeing people from bad habits, addictions and fears using the powerful tools of Clinical Hypnosis and NLP.  She is located in the UK and helps clients worldwide via Skype.  Visit

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